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Defense 2.0 a Work in Progress

Lewis Shepherd, chief technology officer, Microsoft Institute for Advanced Technology in Governments, and a former senior technology officer at the Defense Intelligence Agency, suggested that there were many reasons why not everything will be done on the Web. As an outgrowth of Moore�s Law, the evolution of mini- and multi-core processors will continue to make computing available in increasingly smaller client form factors, he said, in some cases, invisible and other cases embedded. Consequently, "we don�t see everything going to cloud computing," Shepherd said... The answer won�t be in the browser, but in the data and in looking at the cloud like an operating system. That�s "why we�re placing a lot of [research and development] effort on a cloud-based approach as the right path. It�s also why I�m incredibly optimistic about the Web 3.0 -- the semantic Web -- which is all about the value of embedded data."


"Using Web 2.0 tech in a top secret world"

"Knowledge workers at the Defense Intelligence
Agency are like any in Corporate America: They want to be able to share information with each other more easily. Of course, the information is highly sensitive and the network is rated "Top Secret". So how does a IT guy deal with the cloak and dagger parameters in open, Web 2.0 world? Lewis Shepherd, former senior technology officer at the DIA, explains on this edition of Voices from IT Roadmap."

"Microsoft Forms Government Research Center"
"Microsoft Corp.'s Innovation and Technology Conference Center in Reston, Va., is hosting a brand-new activity: the Microsoft Institute for Advanced Technology in Government.
It will focus on major enterprisewide problems of national governments....The scope and cost of projects are undetermined, but Microsoft will fund them."

Alien Team & Namesake

"DIA Makes Contact: Alien project helps intell community share and analyze data worldwide"

"The 2007 Government Computer News Agency Award honors the men and women of government technology who have shown innovation and excellence in their achievements... Alien is not a single application or system but an array of services and capabilities implemented at an enterprise scale... Alien as a program was first discussed in May of 2006, tasked in June of 2006 and the first prototype was deployed in October of 2006. A major suite of additional functions is scheduled for activation in March 2008."

"Executive Program Podcast: Integrating Emerging Technologies Into Business"

"The second Internet revolution is a fundamental shift in technology architectures, application content, communication, collaboration and business services. Listen as Gartner EXP VP and Executive Partner Tamra Hall talks to Lewis Shepherd, Senior Technology Officer at the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency, about how he has integrated emerging technologies into his day-to-day business practices."


"2007 IT Leadership Award: Shepherd's Team Leads Intel Community into the Future"

"The individuals we selected to honor this year stood out for various reasons. Each tackled overwhelming challenges with vision, a can-do spirit and a certain prowess in harnessing technology. But each, in his or her own way, also managed to inspire unusual support and solutions - often in the face of heavy resistance... As Senior Technology Officer and chief of the Defense Intelligence Agency's requirements and research group, Shepherd not only has the latest technologies at his disposal but also is working to develop the next generation of tools."

ITC Podcast
"Interviews with Innovators"
"Lewis Shepherd has promoted and observed a remarkable transformation that's occurring inside the U.S. intelligence community as analysts begin to embrace Web 2.0 practices... Jon Udell and Shepherd discuss the origins, progress, and future of these initiatives. They also discuss broader IT efforts within the Department of Defense: service-oriented architecture, consolidation and virtualization, and the relationship between informal Web 2.0 and formal "Web 3.0" approaches to the semantic Web."

"Top Secret: DIA Embraces Web 2.0"
"Shepherd said the DIA's analysts are similar to workers in other industries in that 'they rely upon and demand instant gratification' for their information needs. Prabhat Agarwal, an information security industry analyst at Input, a research firm that specializes in governmental issues, said that the DIA and other defense agencies have become the most advanced users of Web 2.0 tools in the federal government."

Harvard Business School Faculty Blog: "Impact of IT on Business and Leaders"

"It appears that momentum has been building. The Computerworld story contains the assertion from Lewis Shepherd, chief of the DIA's requirements and research group at the Pentagon, that across agencies, wikis and blogs are becoming as ubiquitous as e-mail in terms of information sharing. Wow."

"The Web of Tomorrow"
"...'A number of our agency analysts and technology engineers follow innovation on the Internet pretty closely,' said Lewis Shepherd, chief of the requirements and research group at DIA....The Web 2.0 phenomenon has been implemented hand-in-hand with the agency's service-oriented architecture, known as ALIEN, or All-source Intelligence Environment. 'ALIEN includes semantically enhanced and richly metadata tagged data based on a common metadata standard on structured and unstructured data from multiple databases,' Shepherd said. 'We have found that with this common data format and Web 2.0 tools, we get a big bang for our buck with much richer data right out of the box'...."


"Intelligence Agency Boosts Search Capability"

"Lewis Shepherd, chief of requirements and research for the DIA, which has 11,000 military and civilian employees worldwide, [says] DIA analysts have access to as many as 300 sources of information--individual data feeds, databases, and data from other intelligence agencies. DIA uses XML formatting and metadata-tagging software packages from Attensity and Inxight Software, as well as Lockheed Martin's AeroText and SRA International's NetOwl, to format its data feeds..."

"Global Counter-Terror Mashup"
"...Shepherd also mentioned something new to me: information mashups that collect RSS feeds, Google maps and data from the DIA network, and present all that info in new, revealing combinations..."

"Defense Intelligence Assumes More Diverse Missions"
"...ALIEN involves an all-source intelligence network that integrates commercial search and discovery applications, advanced link analysis, secure visualization capabilities and a cross-domain search capability. DIA should achieve significant goals by this summer, and then that integration will be expanded to include the services, the combat support agencies, and the national intelligence community. The DIA is always looking for cutting edge technologies."


"National Security: Signals and Noise"

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"...Shepherd said it 'sparks out-of-the-box innovation in how we do information-sharing.' Asked to elaborate on that innovation, Shepherd said, �It's all classified."

"For DIA, Interoperability Begins with the Data"
"An 'explosion in blogging in the intelligence community' is one way to promote an exchange of ideas, Shepherd added. RSS feeds, RSS readers and standards-based instant messaging are currently available to DIA users. 'We've begun to use those internally at DIA and across the agencies. It's exciting to see the profusion of them,' Shepherd said. 'We have no idea what blogging is going to do in two to three years for intelligence analysis, but for a collaborative environment, it will probably dwarf what we could do with a designed system.' "

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